The Resilience Advantage™
Healthcare Professionals
Health care providers must think clearly and make critical decisions under stressful circumstances. Providing practical strategies for managing stress helps mitigate the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts associated with caring for others and promotes resiliency. Staff may also utilize these techniques with patients and their families to help alleviate the symptoms of stress experienced by illness.
The importance of self-care cannot emphasize the importance of self-care in health care professions strongly enough. It is well documented that, if not attended to, the act of“caring” can assess a very high cost on the health care provider, resulting in physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, burnout, and compassion fatigue. These can significantly disrupt providers’ personal and professional lives, interfering with their ability to provide safe, quality care to patients and maintain healthy relationships with their families, friends, and colleagues. Therefore, developing and sustaining the resiliency of healthcare providers to mitigate the adverse effects associated with caregiving and promote emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being is crucial for individuals, organizations, and those for whom they care.
The Resilience Advantage ™ training has successfully managed stress in high-pressure groups such as physicians, correctional officers, police officers, and nurses. Employees who have participated in the Resilience Advantage™ training have shown reduced medical costs compared with non-participants and improved employee and patient satisfaction.
We are licensed to provide HeartMath™ training programs ‘Live’ in the classroom or online. Are you interested in learning more about the workshops? Contact us today for more information and to get started!
The Importance of Resilience

EDN Global / EDN Abundant Life Coaching
2897 N. Druid Hills Rd. Suite 438
Atlanta, GA 30329
Tel: 404-991-3599
E-Mail: [email protected]
© 2021 Alena Edmondson – All rights reserved.
“HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.”